Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gettin' Closer!

okay....now the count is down to 6 days! Yippee! Momma is in desperate need to see her little blue-eyed baby....okay...She's not my baby any more; where has time gone?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Countdown is On!!

16 days til we see our Snuggy Bear! The next few weeks might be loooooong weeks for us as we anticipate seeing Chelsey Gayle! We are excited to meet her friends and teachers! Milwaukee in the middle of winter isn't our favorite place to be, but we are sure the weather will not keep us home this year! (Troy's health might, but NOT the weather!)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Detox Days...UGH!

Well, Troy received his lab work and we met with the detox specialist on Friday. The results show that he has HIGH amounts of Mercury and Uranium in his system. The Doctor believes he is poisoned with uranium due to his years working in the rock quarry. The mercury probably has come from the fillings in his mouth and allergy shots. He also tested positive for Lyme Disease....those pesky little ticks! He has started a detox program that seems to be beating him up a bit. He is having a pretty rough go of it. We continue to trust our Lord and His plan. The heart seems to be a little bit more steady. He did test positive to gluten, dairy, and mushroom allergies. My cooking style has had to change....and NO, the kids don't like it!! He got his wisdom teeth out as well on Friday. He was not too happy about losing all his wisdom, but understood how the teeth might be interfering with the heart. Studies show that connection...seems weird, huh? We continue to covet your prayers. I have a really cute picture of Troy after his wisdom teeth were out, but I know my limits...:) He has been tortured enough! I know Troy would love to hear from anyone who has a little time to call or write with some encouragement!